Dress Code
When I am at nursery I like to be independent so here are some ideas of how to dress me. These ideas will also keep me safe.
Messy Play – I love messy activities and they happen at nursery all of the time. I do wear an apron but some mess will always manage to get on my clothes so please don’t send me to nursery in my best clothes.
Independence – I like to be independent when using the toilet at nursery. Please dress me in clothes that I can get off and on quickly when I need to go. Trousers with belts and dungarees make it very difficult for me to go on my own. Track suit bottoms are great for me to manage by myself.
Hot weather – In the hot weather my skin needs to be protected to stop it from burning when I am playing outside. A t-shirt, hat and suncream will keep me well covered.
Cold Weather – Even in the cold weather the garden will be open every day. Please dress me in a warm coat with a hat to keep me warm. Mitten style gloves mean I can put them on myself and I won’t lose them if they are threaded through my coat sleeves on elastic. Please put my name on all of my outside things.
Wet Weather – Our garden is open in all weathers. A waterproof coat and Wellington boots will help to keep me dry.
Shoes – When I am at nursery I will be doing a lot of running and climbing. Please put me in flat shoes, ideally trainers with velcro fastening so that I can manage them myself.
Healthy Eating and Birthdays
Eating healthy foods is important because it helps maintain a good body weight and fight off diseases and helps to prevent tooth decay.
From September we will be celebrating children’s birthdays by making birthday treats with the children in class.
Please do NOT bring any cakes or sweets into nursery to share. As a nut free nursery we feel it is important to make sure our children are safe and that no nuts or items containing nuts are on the premises.
Do I need to pay for anything?
We ask parents to contribute to some of our activities:
- £1.50 for a Special Book – which will be full of all of your child’s work and given to you when your child graduates!
- £2.50 for a library bag to carry home a different book each week
- £2.00 per week towards the costs of providing a healthy snack time and cooking activities (there is a collecting tin in each classroom)
We do have a charitable arm, Friends of Ronald Openshaw (FORON) which undertakes several fundraising activities each year so we can provide trips and outings at either no extra/ or minimal cost. FORON meets each term and YOU are a member so come along and contribute!