The SEND Hub Team (two specialist teachers, an early years SEND practitioner and buy-in Speech and Language Therapist) is supporting Private, Voluntary and Independent Nurseries and Childminders to work with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Through training, early identification, working with settings to implement strategies and supporting parents, we aim to enable children with additional needs to be fully included and able to attend their local setting.


Newham SEND Hub Services

Screening Play Group: weekly in 4 Children’s Centres, where PVI nurseries can refer children that may have a delay in their learning, development or in their speech, language and communication skills. Parents can bring their children to meet the team, identify their needs, find out strategies to use at home and in nursery and make any referrals.

Speech and Language Therapist:  one-off assessment to identify the needs of the children and to make further referrals to SCYPS (specialised children and young people’s service).

Peer Coaching:  The early years SEND practitioner works with PVI settings to implement strategies, model activities to support children with additional needs. She will also make links between settings to ensure good practice is shared across Newham.

Connect With Me:  Early Intervention Group, a short course for parents and children on a social/communication pathway (who may get a diagnosis of Autism)

Little Champions: The early years SEND practitioner establishes and supports these stay and play sessions for children with SEND in several children’s centres in Newham. She organises regular training to refresh skills for practitioners.

Training:  The Area SENCO’s offer a programme of training for PVI settings and childminders, including the NASEN accreditation for PVI SENCo’s. The SEND Hub team offer practical workshops for PVI settings.