What is on offer for Newham residents?
- Free part-time nursery education (15 hours per week) during school term time for local children aged 2 years who meet the eligibility criteria.
- Fee paying part-time nursery education (15 hours per week) during school term time for local children aged 2 years who DO NOT meet the eligibility criteria (limited spaces)
- Free part-time nursery education (15 hours per week) during school term time for local children aged 3 years+
- Free full-time nursery education (30 hours per week) during school term time for eligible children aged 3 years+
- Fee paying full-time nursery education (30 hours per week) during school term time for 3 years+ who DO NOT meet the eligibility criteria (limited spaces)
- Resourced places for children aged 3 years+ with profound and multiple learning difficulties (accessed through the Special Needs Advisory Panel)
- Assessment places (part-time) for targeted children aged 3 years+ with high level special educational needs
- Out and About Group for families of funded 2 year olds and those eligible for early years pupil premium
- A Stay and Play Group for families in the local community to join in and familiarise themselves with our services
- Parent Workshops to increase understanding of child development and the EYFS
- Training/placement opportunities for parents, students and professionals
- When can my child start nursery?
Tell us of any changes in details?
- If you move address
- If you change your phone number
- If there is a change in who may collect your child from nursery we will NOT let them go with someone we do not know about! The person must also be over 16 years of age.
If there is a change in the family (new babies, deaths, big events, break up’s all have a huge impact on young children so please share this with us so we can be supportive).
Waiting List Application Form
If you would like to apply for a place on our waiting list please complete our Ronald Openshaw waiting list form and then email it to info@ronaldopenshaw.newham.sch.uk