Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At RONEC we follow the LA policy of Inclusive Education promoting opportunities for all children living within the borough to attend a mainstream setting.
By providing appropriate support and well differentiated activities children with SEND have access to the same broad and balanced curriculum available to all pupils of their age group.

All staff at RONEC actively seek the successful inclusion of all pupils and to do this they:

  • Work in partnership with parents / carers, advisory teachers and outside agencies.
  • Clearly identify needs, outline procedures and monitor progress.
  • Ensure the allocation of resources for SEND reflects the various levels of need,
  • Value the unique interests and strengths of pupils, seeking and hearing their views whenever possible.

The success of inclusive practice is also supported by the Access Strategy. Whilst access is excellent areas of development are identified in the action plan.

The SENDCo is: Suprima Pillai

The SEND Inclusive Education Policy reviewed annually is available on this website and paper copies are available on request. The Accessibility Plan is reviewed every four years and available on request.

For more information about the SEND Local Offer please check the Newham Council website.


Inclusion is a human rights issue as supported by the UN charter, the Salamanca statement (1994) and the Kochi declaration (2002).

We believe that all children and young people should have the chance to attend a mainstream school. This benefits all pupils, including those with a disability, and the whole community.

The aim of our inclusive education policy is to make it possible for every child, whatever their special education need, learning need, ability or disability, to be educated within a main-stream school or have access to mainstream education through links from specialist provision. This means having access to the national curriculum and to all educational and social opportunities that mainstream education provides and, if appropriate, access to alternative provision.

We support the principles of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and the Disability Act 2015 and accompanying codes of practice to ensure that access to the curriculum, physical access to schools and clear communication with parents / carers underpin our inclusion policy.

We will ensure that new schools are fully accessible to all pupils and that there is a strategic plan to develop the accessibility of existing schools through prioritising access funding, taking into account the primary-secondary feeder pattern. We will seek to ensure that travel arrangements support inclusive practice.